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Hodina angličtiny se zahraničním studentem v rámci programu Erasmus

Napsal: ssgh

Ve středu 21. dubna měli studenti prvního ročníku HT1.A možnost procvičit si angličtinu se zahraničním studentem Mustafem Zenginem, který díky programu Erasmus studuje v České republice. Studenta do online hodiny zprostředkovala organizace Erasmus Students Network VŠE Prague, která je součástí celoevropské studentské dobrovolnické organizace ESN a propojuje zahraniční studenty na Erasmu s místní komunitou/kulturou. Dojmy studentů z hodiny si můžete přečíst jak v českém jazyce, tak i v angličtině.

Mgr. Marcela Svatáková

Komentáře studentů:

O dnešní hodině anglického jazyka nás navštívil student z Turecka. Hodina probíhala formou prezentace, ve které nás student seznámil se svou rodnou zemí. Dozvěděli jsme se nově o různých tradicích, krásných místech a kultuře. Doporučil nám několik zajímavých filmů a tureckých dobrot. Vzhledem k tomu, že žije v Praze krátce, poprosil nás o nějaké doporučení, kam by se měl podívat a co dobrého by měl ochutnat. Hodina mě moc bavila a dovolím si říct, že byla velice přínosná.

Aneta Nevoralová

Today morning we had a surprise from our teacher. A kind student from Turkey came to visit us and tell us something about his country. We learned a lot of new things! Everything from the capital city to traditions, most beautiful city’s, best food and interesting movies. I found it really interesting, and I think that Turkey is a very beautiful country and I would really like to visit it someday in the future. This period was refreshing, we were just listening to him and after that we asked some questions, he also had some great questions for us, because he’s in Prague shortly. We recommended him what should he go visit, and some food he should try and also some of our favourite Czech movies. I enjoyed it.

Aneta Nevoralová

So today we had a Turkish student which took part in the Erasmus + project and came to study here to Czech. He made a beautiful presentation about his country Turkey. Where he talked about the traditions, the food, the religions and history, which is in my opinion really surprising and interesting. If you want to find out more about the Greek history in his opinion you should visit west turkey and if you are more interested in the Asian history you should go to east turkey. After this presentation I actually really want to visit there, it sounds really nice and the food looks delicious. Especially the real Turkish kebab which he said is totally different then here and much much better, is probably one of the biggest inspirations for people to go and visit.

Anna Basaglia

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